Children and Youth Education

Children: 2 years old to 5th grade

Sunday school classes are available for children starting at age 2. These classes focus on learning bible stories and values, talking about how we can apply those values to our daily interactions, service projects, and fun activities for families.

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Junior Youth Fellowship (JYF): 6th to 8th grades

The JYF class builds on their bible knowledge and starts to consider how the bible speaks to current personal, community, and world issues. The JYF also get together for social activities through the year including attending local sporting events, playing games, and going to RMMC for snow camp.

Mennonite Youth Fellowship (MYF): 9th to 12th grades

The MYF digs deeper into the bible, church history, and questions of faith and belief. They get together throughout the year for social activities and service projects in addition to holding several annual fundraisers. The fundraisers allow the youth to go on regular learning and service trips and to attend the MCUSA youth convention.
